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Récolte de rêves

Cultural event

Event Recolte de reves 2023 Gallery-Boutique Christine Grenier

After dreaming in their studios and turning their ideas into reality, creators from different disciplines share their harvest of dreams with you.

What if their dreams became yours?


November 2 to 5, 2023

Thursday, November 2, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, November 3, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday, November 4, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, November 5, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Thursday, November 2 at 5 pm with the artists


Gallery-Boutique Christine Grenier
612 Craig road, Saint-Jean-de-Brébeuf


  • Meet the artists on site.
  • Creation of a collective textile work by the public.
  • Gourmet delights and surprises await you.
  • Details of the program will be announced here shortly.

Come and meet

  • Yolande Bernier, Nihonga artist (ancient Japanese art)
  • France-Anne Blanchet, artist and author
  • Marthe Coulombe, bronze jeweller
  • arie-Claude Garneau, fashion designer
  • Delfiane, author
  • André Grégoire, fashion designer
  • Christine Grenier, textile artist
  • Francine Laflamme, embroiderer
  • Emmanuelle Lessard, ceramist
  • Marcel Martineau, wood craftsman
  • Yogi Shabad and Sophie Lanza, Yoga Barn

Come and join us!

A glimpse of the event

What a great event and what wonderful encounters! Visitors did us proud, wandering from the Galerie-boutique to the dining room to the studio to create a small piece for a collective work. They took the time to meet the artists and enjoy the Momentum. Thank you, dear visitors, we were delighted to welcome you as friends.

The artists of Récolte de rêves 2023 at the Galerie-Boutique Christine Grenier: André Grégoire. Marie-Claude Garneau, Yolande Bernier, Marthe Coulombe, France-Anne Blanchet, Christine Grenier, Emmanuelle Lessard, Marcel Martineau et Sophie Lanza.

Récolte de rêves 2023 artists, from left to right:

André Grégoire, Marie-Claude Garneau, Yolande Bernier, Marthe Coulombe, France-Anne Blanchet, Christine Grenier, Emmanuelle Lessard, Marcel Martineau and Sophie Lanza, center.

Master of ceremony France-Anne Blanchet and organizer Christine Grenier at the vernissage.

Marthe Coulombe and France-Anne Blanchet.

Christine serves pear infusion to visitors.

In the dining room, works by Yolande Bernier adorned the walls, along with sculptures by Emmanuelle Lessard. The artist and author Delfiane met with visitors.

Two participants create small textile art pieces for a collective work of art in Christine Grenier's studio during the Récolte de rêves 2023 event.
With France-Anne Blanchet, participants create small textile art pieces for a collective work of art in Christine Grenier's studio during the Récolte de rêves 2023 event.

Visitors were invited to visit Christine’s studio and make a small piece of textile art to be used in a collective work. There was a lot of fun to be had here!

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Galerie-Boutique Christine Grenier

La Galerie-Boutique Christine Grenier célèbre les talents d'artistes et d'artisans locaux des régions des Appalaches et de l'Érable. Explorez des arts visuels variés, du Nihonga au bas-relief polychrome, en passant par l'art textile et la sculpture en métal. Retrouvez des objets décoratifs uniques en broderie, bois, céramique, et textile, ainsi qu'une collection de bijoux en acier, bronze, argent, et tricot. Découvrez également des vêtements artisanaux et de la littérature, pour une immersion complète dans l'art contemporain et les métiers d'art.

612 chemin CraigSaint-Jean-de-Brébeuf, G6G 0A1QuébecCAView on Google Maps418 453-2026